Why Choose Us?

No empty nests
Voids are the bane of any landlords life – so we make sure they're kept to a
minimum – on average, it's less than nine days between instruction to a let agreed,
and we average less than ten day void periods on properties let with us. We'll make
sure it's on the most popular property websites, and we work as a team, so there
are more people searching for the best tenants for your property. WE keep good
tenants happy, so they stay put; but our dedicated renewals manager calls both
parties 70 days before the end of a tenancy to check their intentions. If tenants
wish to move it means we have plenty of time to find new ones, ensuring the
shortest possible period between lets, our aim being no void at all.

The very best tenants
Of course we carry out the usual references and credit checks, but we don't think
that goes far enough for our landlords. So we don’t just ask the last landlord for a
tenant’s reference, we ask the landlord before that too, and we ask the tenants for
the last three months’ bank statements, so we can check their income and
consistency of rent payment and look for anything that might be a problem. Lastly,
but crucially, we say that we won't let a property to someone we wouldn't be happy
to have in our sitting room – which means we also trust our intuition and our
experience when something just doesn't seem right, and take extra care.
Let us take the strain
Many landlords prefer to let us take care of everything to do with their property –
for good reason. Not only do we check and chase rents, our dedicated property
managers are experienced in handling any situation that may arise. They'll inspect
your property more often and more thoroughly than the typical six-month onceover
that most agents carry out. We check every three months, in detail, item-byitem
against your check-in report to ascertain any deterioration. If repairs are
required needed we have trusted contractors who like to keep us and our landlords
happy, so we get better service at lower prices.

We earn our fee
There's no substitute for hard work. We start early and stay open late to make sure
we never miss a call, and if we do need to call you back, we'll do so double-quick.
Our back office systems make sure everyone has up to date information at their
fingertips, we'll give you timely viewer feedback, and we make sure to keep you
informed with weekly calls. The proofs of the pudding is that 96% of our landlords
would recommend us, and we achieve an average of 93% of the asking price on
lettings – well above the norm.
Values led
We believe in doing things right and doing the right thing. We're transparent and upfront
about our fees and are happy to answer any questions you have. We'll give you
honest feedback at every stage, and tell you what you need to know and not just
want you want to hear – because you can only make good decisions if you're
properly informed. We'll never over-value just to win an instruction, and we don't
cut corners or take short cuts, because that's not who we are, or what gets results